How It Works

Step 1: Pick Up
Binghamton Food Rescue (BFR) works with local farmers and businesses to identify sources of food waste, especially consisting of fresh produce and food items still fit for consumption. Rescue schedules are coordinated to ensure food items are retrieved by our volunteer team before they are thrown away, and volunteers sort for compost to make it easier for employees to donate. BFR also acts as an on-call food rescue organization for overstocks and overages in the community. Our rescued food items include excess/leftover market produce, slightly tired, blemished, or deformed produce, value added products, baked goods, and other items still fit for consumption.

Step 2: Weigh, Record, Sort, Store
The food is collected by one or more of our volunteers, weighed by individual donors, recorded for data entry into our software that keeps track of donation statistics, then immediately transported to one of our distribution sites. If the drop-Âoff time is does not take place immediately after pickÂup, then the food will be refrigerated at one of our storage sites until the next distribution opportunity presents itself later in the day or the following morning. All food items are redistributed within 24 hours.

Step 3: Distribute
Depending on the rescue yield and the recipient location type, BFR volunteers will either drop-off the rescued food items for on-site volunteers and community leaders to distribute or will set up tables to share free produce with community members at no-cost grocery programs held at targeted community centers. Our distribution/partner sites include community meals, local pantries, community centers, senior living centers, student summer meal sites, and the doorsteps of some of our community members. Our distribution sites are targeted to increase access to fresh, healthy produce for low-income, food-insecure, and food desert populations.